Neighbourhood Donations & Sponsorships
Carson Stong’s generosity and leadership have served as the foundation of Stong’s commitment to the community. That involvement has earned us a reputation of being more than just the local grocer. Stong’s proudly supports our local community by focusing on our Children’s Schools, Educational & Sports Programs as well as our local Community Organizations & Festivals, through the donation of products and services for fundraising events.
Neighbourhood Donation Program Guidelines
The information on this page will detail our Neighbourhood Donation Program guidelines and will assist you through the process of requesting your donation. As supporting local community initiatives is a core value of Stong’s Market, you can imagine the volume of requests we graciously receive. Please submit your Neighbourhood Donation Application with a minimum of 2 weeks before you require a response. The more time we can respond, the better we can address your request.
We ask that you kindly:
Complete our online Neighbourhood Donation Application.
Include an attached letter of request, preferably on your organization’s letterhead (pdf or Word format please).
We would love to hear about your event and what you are hoping to have us donate
Let us know how our donation will be recognized at your event
Please Note:
All requests should be submitted through our online application
If for a local event, it must be a public event
Donations must go towards a local organization, they cannot go towards an individual
We are unable to make monetary donation.
We pride ourselves on sourcing a lot of our products and supplies from local growers and companies and if you need volunteers, please let us know as we may be able to lend a hand and join the fun. If you meet the guidelines above, please feel free to submit a request for a charitable donation by completing the online Neighbourhood Donation Application.
Tip for any request involving product:
Ensure you have communicated clearly how much product you will be needing by providing exact quantities. Ex. “We are requesting 50 cookies for the event.” is more clear than “We are looking for a donation of cookies for our event.”